Quilt Show Registrations for 2017

REMINDER! Registration Forms are DUE SEPTEMBER 15th. Don’t miss out on entering your beautiful quilts in this year’s quilt show. Please bring your forms to the Bee meeting Thursday, September 14th or mail or email them as shown on the form by Friday, the 15th.

We are accepting registrations for our October 20 & 21 “Autumn Leaves” quilt show. It’s easy to enter your quilts! Print a Registration Form from our Quilt Show page, fill it out, and either bring it to our guild meeting next week or mail or email it as shown on the form. Then come to the show and admire your hard work. You do NOT need to be a member to enter. Remember! Registrations are due September 15th.



Ribbons, Ribbons, Ribbons

Country Fare Quilter’s Guild’s 2015 donation quilt “Because of the Brave” won Best of Show, Best Machine Quilting, First Place in its category, and Viewer’s Choice at the Muskogee Area Quilt Guild’s “Quilted Dreams” quilt show this past weekend. A very special Congratulation goes to Judy Haines, who set the blocks together and did the extraordinary machine quilting. Congratulations and thank you to all guild members who created a block for the quilt during our 2014 Fabric Challenge. We will give the quilt away on Saturday, October 17th at our annual quilt show. Tickets are available at our regular guild meetings or from guild members.


2014 Quilt Show Registrations

October 1, 2014 is the deadline for entering this year’s October 17 & 18 quilt show.
Please enter your quilts now. We can accept Registration Forms postmarked by October 1st. Download a form here, then send them to Sue Semler. All instructions are on the form. Six quilts allowed per person with no registration fees. Cash prizes will be awarded. Pre-registered quilts will be delivered to Claremore Community Center on Thursday, October 16th between 8:00 and 11:00 a.m. for the show and picked up Saturday, October 18th between 4:30 and 5:00 p.m.

Blue and Purple Ribbons

The guild’s beautiful 2014 donation quilt recently won two ribbons at the Muskogee Guild’s annual quilt show, a blue First Place ribbon in the group category and a purple Judge’s Choice ribbon. Congratulations to all guild members who created a block for the quilt and especially to Judy Haines for setting the blocks together and for her exceptional machine quilting. We will give the quilt away on Saturday, October 18th at our annual quilt show. Tickets are available from any guild member or at our guild meetings.DonationQuiltMuskogeeQuiltShow2014


2013 Quilt Show Entries


Pre-registration is required to enter a quilt in our “Autumn Leaves” 2013 Quilt Show October 18th & 19th – only 18 days away. Please use a separate form for each quilt you wish to enter. Our Quilt Entry Rules can be found on the Registration Form. Entries are to be sent to Sue Semler (see bottom of form for contact information) by October 1st.

Registered quilts are to be delivered on Thursday, October 17th between 8:00 a.m. and Noon to the Claremore Community Center, 2301 N. Sioux Ave., Claremore, OK and picked up after the show by the exhibitor or a designated person on Saturday, October 19th between 4:30 and 5:00 p.m.

Quilt Show Entries and Quilt Show

Please deliver pre-registered quilt show entries to Claremore Community Center, 2301 N. Sioux Ave. in Claremore on Thursday, October 18th between 8:00 a.m. and Noon. All quilts must have a fabric identification label sewn securely to the back of the quilt or the exhibitor’s name written on the quilt.

[mqMap key=”c4FR” width=”350″ height=”310″ src=”http://www.mapquest.com/embed?icid=mqdist_mb_wp&c=c4FR&maptype=map&zm=14&cr=36.330953999999984,-95.59689399999998&projection=sm&showScale=false”]My New Map[/mqMap]

The quilt show opens Friday, October 19 at 9:00 a.m. and will be open until 5:00. Saturday hours are from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.  Plan to spend the day, as there are many quilts to see, three bed turnings each day, live demonstrations throughout the day, fun chinese auctions with aprons and wonderful gift baskets, a small quilt auction, and of course, many vendors to shop with. There’s even a concession so you can stay through lunch. Then, shop our Crafts room of items hand made by guild members and sign blocks or sew for Quilts of Valor.

Our 2012 donation quilt will be given away on Saturday at 3:00 p.m. and you can purchase tickets at the show. AQS Certified Appraiser Carol Elmore will be available to appraise your treasured quilts on Friday only. Please contact Nora directly or use the Contact Us form on this website to make an appointment. 

See you at the show!


Registrations Due October 1

Just a little reminder that registrations for quilt show entries are due Monday, October 1. We still have room for more quilts in the show. You can print a registration form here. If you have any questions or concerns about the deadline, please contact Susan.

Update: Registrations are now closed and the quilt show is full.